Dear Alig Brothers and Sisters
Assalam o Alaikum

At the outset, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all of you for your great support and cooperation to make this year Sir Syed Day (2022) a memorable one and a Grand success. It was a wonderful evening and a momentous occasion to meet fellow Aligs and exchange pleasantries after a long time.

We are a newly elected team on the ground, however, we are trying our best to deliver the best-in-class.

We are grateful to our chief guest Ms. Arfa Khanum Sherwani and guest of honor Mr. Zafar Iqbal for their gracious presence and taking time out of their busy schedule flying all the way from India to Riyadh to be part of Sir Syed Day celebration. Their speeches were enlightening and carried a message for all of us.

The success of the event was not possible without your wholehearted participation in such a large number and the guidance of seniors in general and Core Committee in particular.

Participation of the ladies wing of the association in this year of Sir Syed Day was the first of its kind and a new beginning.

Speeches of Mrs. Frahat Tasneem, Mr. Abdul Khallaq and Dr. Inamullah Azmi were meaningful and informative and took us to our Aligarh days and made us nostalgic.

Once again, many thanks to all the Aligarians of Riyadh for their all-round support to keep the legacy alive in our quest to reclaim the glorious prestige of AMUOBA-Riyadh.

The demand for the entry cards were overwhelming and were distributed on first come first serve basis and we could not fulfill the demands who contacted somewhat late for which I would like to apologize.

Once again many thanks.
With Best Regards
President and the team, AMUOBA Riyadh