Jaizah: An overview & introspection of emerging situations in India with eminent journalist Qurban Ali

Dear Aligs,
Assalam Alaikum

I am pleased to inform you all that renowned journalist Qurban Ali (Alig), Head – Oral History Project Rajya Sabha TV will be in Riyadh for a very short stay.

He has also worked with the BBC, ETV Urdu, DD News, UNI Urdu, and various other media organizations.

Taking this opportunity AMUOBA-Riyadh is organizing a brainstorming session with him at Red Onion Restaurant on the 18th of December (Sunday) at 8 pm.

The event will be followed by Dinner.

Due to limited space, prior confirmation is needed for entry.

To reserve your seat, kindly contact below AMUOBA office bearers:-

1. Abdul Khallaque:- 054 399 6715
2. Mohammed Serajuddin:- 053 877 0148
3. Syed Ahad Murtaza:- 054 897 1487

Warm Regards,
Abrar Hussain
President AMUOBA-Riyadh & TEAM