Aligarh : Padma Shri, Prof Akhtarul Wasey emphasised that Sir Syed Ahmad Khan realised the importance of modern education and urged the masses to achieve development, peace, harmony and political stability through education.

He was delivering the commemorative lecture of the University Debating and Literary Club (UDLC), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) to mark Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s 205th birth anniversary celebrations.

The Chief Guest, Prof Akhtarul Wasey who is also a distinguished AMU alumnus and a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Islamic Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia spoke about the inception of AMU and the conversation Sir Syed shared with Maulvi Shibli Nomani on the construction of the Strachey Hall in the university.

“Sir Syed was one of the biggest reformists and progressive thinkers who firmly believed in multiculturalism and equal status to all communities. He stood for an all-inclusive education system and stressed on the importance of free speech and critical thinking”, he said while speaking on Sir Syed’s revolutionary ideas and emphasis on modern scientific education.