Aligarh : Student representatives of the Legal Aid Clinic, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Malappuram Centre raised awareness among the migrant workers residing at Thootha, Alipparamb Panchayath about the legal rights available to them in a special interaction session held recently.

“The Legal Aid Clinic student volunteers informed the migrant workers about their labor rights and inquired about their lifestyle, family and basic sanitation facilities. After the awareness session, 30 student volunteers collected data containing the personal information of migrant workers along with their grievances”, said Dr Faisal KP (Director, Malappuram Centre).

Dr Naseema P K (Chairperson, Legal Aid Cell), Dr Shaista Nasreen (Teacher-in-Charge) and Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmed informed: “The migrant workers showed contentment and satisfaction on the initiative and said that they look forward to more such sessions”.